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How To Change The Front Brake Pads On Your Ford
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Bellasiel |
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How To Change The Front Brake Pads On Your Ford Focus
As with any kind of DIY auto mechanic project, if you are not familiar with the basics of auto mechanic maintenance and repair, or do not have the proper tools for the job, you are better off taking your car to a professional. It will be quicker and cheaper than doing the job poorly and possibly causing more expensive damage. And you certainly do not want to mess around with something like brake pads, which can leave you in a dangerous driving situation if improperly installed. That said, if you are properly prepared and have the right tools for the job, installing front brake pads for your Ford Focus is relatively easy to do.
What You'll Need
Before you start, make sure that you have:
* Hex Key Set
* Socket Wrench to remove tires
* Pliers
* C-Clamp
* Turkey Baster
* Bucket for used brake fluid
* 3-ton Jack and two safety stands
* Clean Funnel
* New brake fluid * Ford Focus brake pads for your front brakes
Step by Step
Move your car onto a level, paved surface. Automatic vehicles should be in park, while standards should be in 1st gear. Engage your parking brake and use wheel chocks to hold the car in place. (Place one chock on a front wheel and the other behind the opposite back wheel). Remember to remove your key from the ignition for safety.
Next, loosen lug nuts on your front tires, but don't remove them. Jack up your Ford, and support with safety stands. Take off your front wheels and remove the plastic hex bolt caps from the hex bolts at the top and bottom of each caliper. Use the hex key to remove the hex bolts- using your socket wrench handle for leverage if you need it- and pull the calipers off their brackets. The brake pads on your Ford Focus are held in place with clips. Simply unclip them using the pliers, and remove the outside pad. Leaving the inside pad in place, use the C-clamp to completely compress the caliper piston. Then remove the inside clip and pad.
Open the engine hood and remove the brake fluid cap. Using the turkey baster remove enough fluid so that the container is a little under half full. Using a clean funnel, refill your brake fluid container and replace the cap. Get out your new brake pads and reverse the steps your followed to remove the old ones, replacing the inside brake pads and clips first, then unclamping the caliper piston to replace the outside pads and clips, replacing the calipers and securing them with the hex bolts at top and bottom. Remember to put those bolt caps back on, then go ahead and screw your front wheels back on as well, taking the lug nut to hand tight. Once that's done, you can remove the safety stands and lower your vehicle back down to the ground. Tighten your lug nuts all the way, then pump your brake pedal until you get good pressure, and take your new pads out for a road test.
Pictures/SnapShot :

As with any kind of DIY auto mechanic project, if you are not familiar with the basics of auto mechanic maintenance and repair, or do not have the proper tools for the job, you are better off taking your car to a professional. It will be quicker and cheaper than doing the job poorly and possibly causing more expensive damage. And you certainly do not want to mess around with something like brake pads, which can leave you in a dangerous driving situation if improperly installed. That said, if you are properly prepared and have the right tools for the job, installing front brake pads for your Ford Focus is relatively easy to do.
What You'll Need
Before you start, make sure that you have:
* Hex Key Set
* Socket Wrench to remove tires
* Pliers
* C-Clamp
* Turkey Baster
* Bucket for used brake fluid
* 3-ton Jack and two safety stands
* Clean Funnel
* New brake fluid * Ford Focus brake pads for your front brakes
Step by Step
Move your car onto a level, paved surface. Automatic vehicles should be in park, while standards should be in 1st gear. Engage your parking brake and use wheel chocks to hold the car in place. (Place one chock on a front wheel and the other behind the opposite back wheel). Remember to remove your key from the ignition for safety.
Next, loosen lug nuts on your front tires, but don't remove them. Jack up your Ford, and support with safety stands. Take off your front wheels and remove the plastic hex bolt caps from the hex bolts at the top and bottom of each caliper. Use the hex key to remove the hex bolts- using your socket wrench handle for leverage if you need it- and pull the calipers off their brackets. The brake pads on your Ford Focus are held in place with clips. Simply unclip them using the pliers, and remove the outside pad. Leaving the inside pad in place, use the C-clamp to completely compress the caliper piston. Then remove the inside clip and pad.
Open the engine hood and remove the brake fluid cap. Using the turkey baster remove enough fluid so that the container is a little under half full. Using a clean funnel, refill your brake fluid container and replace the cap. Get out your new brake pads and reverse the steps your followed to remove the old ones, replacing the inside brake pads and clips first, then unclamping the caliper piston to replace the outside pads and clips, replacing the calipers and securing them with the hex bolts at top and bottom. Remember to put those bolt caps back on, then go ahead and screw your front wheels back on as well, taking the lug nut to hand tight. Once that's done, you can remove the safety stands and lower your vehicle back down to the ground. Tighten your lug nuts all the way, then pump your brake pedal until you get good pressure, and take your new pads out for a road test.
Pictures/SnapShot :

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